Policy for Breaches of The Payroll Community Terms and Conditions and Etiquette Policy
The Payroll Community website is provided as a service for the members and subscribers of PayrollOrg. The Terms and Conditions and Etiquette Policy is meant to help foster a virtual community where ideas are exchanged in a professional manner. The terms and conditions and rules of etiquette should be viewed as guidelines that provide an outline of the expectations of a contributing member of the community.
PayrollOrg does not actively monitor the community website for inappropriate postings and does not, on its own, undertake editorial control of postings. However, in the event that any inappropriate posting is brought to the attention of PayrollOrg, the following actions may be taken.
Possible disciplinary actions for a breach of The Payroll Community Terms and Conditions and Etiquette Policy
- First offense: A message will be sent to the member of the community (via email, or phone call) explaining what violation(s) have occurred.
- Second offense: A message will be sent to the member of the community (via email or phone call) explaining what violation(s) have occurred and whether the account is in moderation. At this stage, the member’s account may be put into moderation for 30 days. This means that any community posting the member wishes to make will be reviewed by PayrollOrg before they are posted online.
- Third offense: A message will be sent to the member of the community (via email or phone call) explaining what violation(s) have occurred and whether the account is in moderation or has been temporarily suspended. At this stage, the member’s account may be put into moderation for 90 days. This means that any community posting the member wishes to make will be reviewed by PayrollOrg before they are posted online. If the violations are deemed severe, the member may receive a Notice of Removal explaining that they are being removed from The Payroll Community for up to 30 days.
- Fourth offense: A formal written letter will be sent to the member of the community. The member may receive a Notice of Removal explaining that they are being removed from The Payroll Community for up to 1 (one) year.
- PayrollOrg reserves the right to take additional enforcement actions, including removing a member from the community for a first offense, depending on the severity of the breach of the Terms and Conditions and Etiquette Policy.
Appeal process
A decision to place a member or subscriber in moderation may not be appealed. A decision to remove the member or subscriber from The Payroll Community may be appealed. The member or subscriber must reply to the Notice of Removal with an appeal for reinstatement. The appeal should include an explanation of the offenses that resulted in the decision to remove the member from the community and why the member believes access to The Payroll Community should be reinstated. PayrollOrg will review the appeal and determine whether to reinstate the member’s access to The Payroll Community.